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15 minutes of vim

  • How do I start using vim?
    If you have a text file called MyDoc.txt, enter the following command in the terminal prompt:

    vim MyDoc.txt

  • How do I start inserting text?
    Press the "esc" button and then press the "i" button. Start typing your text.

  • How do I move the cursor around?
    Use the arrow keys.

  • How do I quit vi?
    Press the "esc" button and then type :q

  • How do I quit vi without saving the file?
    Press the "esc" button and then type :q!

  • How do I save a file?
    Press the "esc" button and then type :w

  • How do I undo my changes?
    Press the "esc" button and then press the "u" button.

  • How do I redo my changes?
    Press the "esc" button. Then hold the "control" button down while pressing the "r" button (Ctrl+r).

  • How do I delete text?
    Press the "esc" button and then press the "x" button. Press the "x" button again to delete the next letter.

  • How do I search?
    If you are searching for the text "findme", press the "esc" button and then type /findme

  • How do I find next after search?
    Press the "esc" button and then press the "n" button.

  • How do I replace?
    If you want to replace the text "findme" with "replacedme", first move to the line with the text "findme". Press the "esc" button then type :s/findme/replacedme/

  • How do I replace all?
    Press the "esc" button and type type :1,$s/findme/replacedme/g
    1,$ means "From line 1 to the end of the file" (I remember $ with the mnemonic "cash out last")
    s means substitute
    g means globally
    "From line 1 to the end of file, substitute findme with replacedme globally"

  • Where can I learn more about vim without being overwhelmed?
     Vi Editor Reference Manual 

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